C Language Blackjack

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  1. C Language Blackjack Definition

I was playing around with a very rudimentary blackjack kind of game, wherein the player draws random numbers ranging from 0 to 13 until they either choose to withdraw or their total exceeds 21. When they do withdraw, their total is compared to another random number ranging from 0 to 21, and based on the comparison, they win or lose. C programming blackjack i have been struggling to make a simple blackjack program using onyx and a compiler called 'Putty'. I am trying using arrays and loops with a random factor on the cards and using only one deck.

C Language Blackjack Definition

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C++ Blackjack Example

I created a simple blackjack example using C++ that allows the player to play against a CPU opponent and whoever gets closest to 21 without going over wins. This is a simple blackjack example because players only have the option to hit or stay each turn.

//Specification: This program plays a version of

//the card game of 21.

//A human player is pitted against the computer.

//The player who is the closest to 21 without

//going over wins the hand.








namespace std;





dealCards(int, string);


hit(int &);


determineWinner(int, int);


Random(int, int);

char keepPlaying = 'n'; //loop control variable

do {


//keep playing?

cout <<

'Do you want to play another hand (y/n)?';

cin >> keepPlaying;


while(keepPlaying 'Y' keepPlaying 'y');



play21(void){//play one hand of 21//randomize the cards


int) time(0));// deal the cardsint person = dealCards(2, 'Your Cards:');

cout <<

' = ' << person << endl;int house = dealCards(2, 'Computers Cards:');

cout <<

' = ' << house << endl;// Ask if human wants a hit


cout << endl;

//Determine if computer takes a hitwhile ((house < person) && (house <= 21) && (person <= 21)) {

house += dealCards(1,

'The Computer takes a card ');

cout << endl;


//show who won....

determineWinner(person, house);



determineWinner(int humanScore, int houseScore) {//compare the scores to see who won//Both the human and the house score totals are provided as arguments//Display total scores and indicate winner//possible outcomes: human wins, computer wins, tie//display the scores

cout <<

'Your Score: ' << humanScore << endl;

cout <<

'Computer Score: ' << houseScore << endl;//decide who should winif (humanScore houseScore)

cout <<

'Tie';if ((humanScore 21 humanScore >= houseScore houseScore > 21) && (humanScore <= 21))

cout <<

'nYou Won!n';else

cout <<

'nThe Computer won!n';



dealCards(int numberOfCards, string message){//deals cards//The number of cards to be delt is provided as an argument//A message indicating which player is recieving the cards is also//given as an argument //The player message and the cards delt is displayed to the screen//the total value of the cards delt is returnedint cardDealt = 0;int totalValue = 0;

cout << message <<

' ';//deal the number of required cardsfor (int i = 1 ; i <= numberOfCards ; i++){//get a card

cardDealt = Random(1, 10);

//accumulate the card values

totalValue += cardDealt;

cout << cardDealt <<

' ';


return totalValue;



hit(int &playerScore){//Ask the human if they want another card -- 'a hit'//the player's score total is accumulated as they take cards//the player can contiue taking cards until they wish to stop or they exceed 21//After a card is taken the user's current total is displayed//If the user goes over 21 'busted' is displayed//Keep giving the player cards until he wants to stop or goes over 21char takeHit = 'Y';while (takeHit != 'n') {if (playerScore < 21) {//does the player want a hit?

cout <<

'do you want a hit (Y/N)? ';

cin >> takeHit;

if (takeHit 'Y' takeHit 'y'){//the player wants a hit so deal a card

playerScore += dealCards(1,

'Hit: ');

cout <<

'Your total is ' << playerScore << endl;


else//the player does not want another card

takeHit =



else {//the player has bustedif (playerScore > 21)

cout <<

'You Busted..nn';

takeHit =






Random(int lowerLimit, int upperLimit) {

//returns a random number within the given boundary

return 1 + rand() % (upperLimit - lowerLimit + 1);
